How to make vegan filled donuts

Do you love donuts but follow a vegan or plant-based diet? Good news! You don’t have to miss out on the delightful experience of biting into a delicious, fluffy donut filled with a mouthwatering surprise.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of making vegan filled donuts that will satisfy your cravings and align with your dietary preferences. So, let’s dive in.

Understanding Veganism and Plant-Based Diets

Before we delve into the recipe for vegan filled donuts, let’s briefly explore what it means to follow a vegan or plant-based diet. Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes the consumption or use of any animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. On the other hand, a plant-based diet focuses on consuming whole plant foods while minimizing or eliminating animal-derived ingredients. Both approaches offer numerous health benefits and support a more sustainable food system.

Why Vegan Filled Donuts?

Vegan filled donuts offer a compassionate twist on the classic treat. By replacing animal-based ingredients with plant-based alternatives, these donuts allow individuals to enjoy a cruelty-free and sustainable dessert option.

Moreover, vegan filled donuts can be customized to suit various dietary needs, including those who are lactose-intolerant or have egg allergies. With a wide array of fillings to choose from, these treats are sure to please everyone’s taste buds.

Choosing the Right Ingredients

To create vegan filled donuts that are both delicious and nutritious, it’s important to choose the right ingredients. Here are some key considerations:

Plant-Based Alternatives

Start by selecting plant-based alternatives for traditional ingredients like milk and butter. Opt for non-dairy milk such as almond, soy, or oat milk, which can easily be found in most grocery stores. For butter, use vegan spreads or oils, such as coconut oil or vegan margarine, to achieve the desired texture and flavor.

Healthier Sweeteners

When it comes to sweetening your donut dough and fillings, choose healthier alternatives to refined sugar. Options like maple syrup, agave nectar, or coconut sugar can provide a natural sweetness without compromising on taste.

Nutritious Fillings

To add a burst of flavor and nutrition to your vegan filled donuts, consider using nutritious fillings. Fresh fruits, such as berries or sliced bananas, can provide a refreshing and wholesome element. You can also experiment with homemade fruit jams and preserves, which are free from added sugars and artificial ingredients. Another option is to incorporate vegan creams and custards made from ingredients like coconut milk or cashew cream. These fillings will elevate the taste and texture of your donuts while keeping them entirely plant-based.

Preparing the Donut Dough

Now that we’ve covered the essentials of ingredient selection, it’s time to prepare the donut dough. Follow these steps for a batch of light and fluffy vegan donuts:

Mixing the Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients, including flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt. In a separate bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients, such as non-dairy milk, melted vegan butter, and a natural sweetener of your choice. Gradually add the wet mixture to the dry ingredients, stirring until a smooth batter forms.

Allowing the Dough to Rise

Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest in a warm place for about an hour. This resting period allows the dough to rise and develop a soft, airy texture.

Shaping the Donuts

Once the dough has risen, transfer it to a floured surface and gently knead it. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about half an inch. Use a donut cutter or a round cookie cutter to shape the donuts, and carefully remove the excess dough. Set the donuts aside on a floured baking sheet, cover them again, and let them rest for another 15-20 minutes.

Filling Options for Vegan Donuts

Now comes the exciting part—filling your vegan donuts with an array of delectable options. Here are a few popular choices:

Fruit Jams and Preserves

Fill a piping bag or a squeeze bottle with your favorite homemade or store-bought fruit jam or preserve. Gently insert the tip into the side of each donut and squeeze in a generous amount of fruity goodness.

Vegan Creams and Custards

For a creamy and luscious filling, prepare a vegan cream or custard. Combine ingredients like coconut milk, cornstarch, and a natural sweetener in a saucepan, and heat the mixture until it thickens. Allow it to cool before using a piping bag to fill the donuts with a delightful creaminess.

Nut Butters and Spreads

Another enticing option is to fill your donuts with a variety of nut butter or spreads. Whether it’s smooth almond butter, rich chocolate hazelnut spread, or creamy peanut butter, these fillings will provide a delightful contrast to the fluffy donut texture.

Perfecting the Frying Process

To achieve golden-brown and perfectly cooked vegan filled donuts, it’s essential to pay attention to the frying process. Follow these tips:

Choosing the Right Oil

Select a high-quality vegetable oil with a neutral flavor and a high smoke point. Canola oil or sunflower oil are excellent choices for frying donuts. Fill a deep saucepan or a fryer with enough oil to submerge the donuts completely.

Achieving the Ideal Temperature

Maintaining the right oil temperature is crucial for achieving a crispy exterior and a fully cooked interior. Use a kitchen thermometer to ensure the oil reaches around 350°F (175°C). This temperature allows the donuts to cook evenly without becoming greasy.

Frying the Donuts to Perfection

Carefully place a few donuts into the hot oil, being cautious not to overcrowd the pan. Fry each side for about 2-3 minutes or until they turn a beautiful golden brown. Use a slotted spoon or tongs to transfer the fried donuts onto a paper towel-lined plate to absorb any excess oil.

Glazing and Decorating

Once your vegan filled donuts are fried to perfection, it’s time to elevate them with glazes and decorations. Consider the following options:

Vegan Glaze Options

Prepare a simple glaze by whisking together powdered sugar, non-dairy milk, and a splash of vanilla extract. You can also experiment with flavored glazes by adding cocoa powder, matcha powder, or fruit juice. Dip each donut into the glaze, allowing the excess to drip off, and place them on a wire rack to set.

Sprinkles, Nuts, and Other Toppings

To add a touch of visual appeal and extra flavor, sprinkle your donuts with colorful vegan sprinkles, chopped nuts, or even shredded coconut. The toppings will adhere to the glaze, creating a delightful contrast in texture and taste.

Tips for Serving and Storing Vegan Filled Donuts

To ensure your vegan filled donuts are enjoyed to the fullest, here are some tips for serving and storing them:

Serving Suggestions

Serve your vegan filled donuts fresh and warm for the ultimate indulgence. Pair them with a hot cup of coffee, tea, or a refreshing glass of plant-based milk. Arrange them on a platter and share the joy with friends and loved ones.

Proper Storage Techniques

If you have any leftover donuts, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer storage, place them in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days. To regain their freshness, you can briefly warm them in the oven or microwave before enjoying them.

Or You can Read this article about How to Properly Store Filled Donuts for Maximum Freshness


Making vegan filled donuts is a delightful culinary adventure that allows you to enjoy a classic treat while staying true to your plant-based lifestyle. By choosing the right ingredients, mastering the dough preparation, selecting delicious fillings, and perfecting the frying process, you can create a batch of mouthwatering donuts that will impress both vegans and non-vegans alike.

So, roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and let the creativity flow as you embark on the journey of making your own vegan filled donuts!


Are vegan filled donuts healthy?

Vegan filled donuts can be a healthier alternative to traditional donuts, as they are free from animal products and can incorporate nutritious fillings and ingredients. However, like any sweet treat, moderation is key.

Can I make gluten-free vegan filled donuts?

Yes, you can! Simply use gluten-free flour blends and ensure that all the ingredients you use are gluten-free. There are many gluten-free flour options available, such as rice flour, almond flour, or a pre-made gluten-free flour mix.

Can I freeze vegan filled donuts?

Yes, you can freeze vegan filled donuts. Place them in an airtight container or freezer bag, separating each layer with parchment paper to prevent sticking. When you’re ready to enjoy them, thaw them at room temperature or warm them in the oven.

Can I use a donut pan instead of frying the donuts?

Absolutely! If you prefer a baked version, you can use a donut pan to bake your vegan filled donuts. Follow the instructions provided with the pan and adjust the baking time accordingly.

Are vegan filled donuts suitable for children with allergies?

Vegan filled donuts can be a great option for children with allergies, as they can be made without common allergens like dairy, eggs, and nuts. However, it’s important to consider individual allergies and sensitivities and ensure that the ingredients and fillings used are safe for the specific dietary needs of the child.

Remember, making vegan filled donuts is not only a delightful culinary experience but also a chance to explore the creativity and versatility of plant-based ingredients. So go ahead, experiment with different flavors, fillings, and decorations, and indulge in the joy of creating your own vegan filled donuts.



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